Breanna is a Gum Tree that loves to sway in the breeze. She provides shade, food and shelter for many living things and most importantly she helps our planet breathe.

Breanna The Gum Tree
Every tree is special in this world because they help our planet breath and provide animals and humans with so many good things. Breanna The Gum Tree is even more special than usual because when she hears her music she springs into action and starts dancing everywhere. She even has her own dance called the ‘Breanna The Gum Tree Rap’ as well as providing Stewie Koala with all the food he ever needs.
The eucalyptus tree is a large, fast-growing evergreen that is native to Australia. The tree can grow to 375-480 feet (125-160 meters). Eucalyptus belongs to the myrtle (Myrtace ae) family. There are more than 300 species of eucalyptus, and Eucalyptus globulus is the most well-known species. One species (E. amygdalin ) is the tallest tree known in the world. The tree grows best in areas with an average temperature of 60°F (15°C).
Eucalyptus trees constitute over 75% of the tree population of Australia. The eucalyptus tree is also known in Australia as the blue gum tree or malee. Other names for eucalyptus include Australian fever tree and stringy bark tree. The name is actually derived from the Greek word “eucalyptos,” which means “well covered,” and refers to the cuplike membrane that covers the budding flowers of the tree.
The bluish green leaves carry the medicinal properties of the tree and grow to a length of 6-12 inches (15-30 cm). While the leathery leaves are the sole food for koala, the leaves also contain a fragrant volatile oil that has antiseptic, expectorant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, deodorant, diuretic, and antispasmodic properties. Other constituents of the leaves include tannins, phenolic acids, flavonoids (eucalyptin, hyperin, hyperoside, quercitin, quercitrin, rutin), sesquiterpenes, aldehydes, and ketones.
Eucalyptus oil is obtained through a steam distillation process that removes the oil from the fresh, mature leaves and branch tips of older trees. Approximately 25 species of eucalyptus trees in Australia are grown for their oil.
There are three grades of eucalyptus oil: medicinal, which contains the compound eucalyptol (also called cineol); industrial, in which a component of the oil is used in mining operations; and aromatic, which is used in perfumes and fragrant soap products. These oils vary greatly in character. When choosing an oil for therapeutic use, it is important to know from what species the oil was derived. Species used medicinally include E. globulus, which contains up to 70% eucalyptol; E. polybractea, which contains 85% eucalyptol; and E. Smithii. Eucalpytus amygdalina and E. dives contain little eucalyptol and are used to separate metallic sulfides from ores in the mining industry. Eucalyptus citriodora contains a lemon-scented oil and is an ingredient in perfumes, as is E. odorata and E. Sturtiana. Two species, E. dives and E. radiata, have oils with a strong peppermint odor.
The most common species grown for its medicinal oil is Eucalyptus globulus. The eucalyptol found in this species is a chief ingredient in many over-the-counter cold and cough remedies, such as cough lozenges, chest rubs, and decongestants. It acts to stimulate blood flow and protects against infection and germs. The British Pharmocopoeia requires that commercial eucalyptus oils contain 55% eucalyptol by volume.
Gum Tree Facts

This is a Gum Tree in the bush…

And this is Breanna The Gum Tree from the Magical Mountains!